Very comprehensive! Starting to take interest in climate change conversations, clean-tech solutions and environmental impact brought about by our lifestyles, and so this was a great (but worrying) read. Thanks Taimur.

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I’m glad you liked it! If you’re interested in the topic, I suggest newsletters #2 and #6 because they form the base of how to think about energy (and hence climate).

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Jun 29, 2023
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Finding it hard to translate this!

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The only solution is universal simplification, return to natural cycles of population reproduction, liberation of cities, destruction/fragmentation of large neo-imperial states (USA, Russia, China, Iran), creation of confederations of communities of free like-minded people with decision-making through direct democracy, destruction or disposal of all nuclear arsenal, destruction of enrichment technology.

Restoration of biodiversity, planting billions of trees. In general, a complete transformation of the lifestyle.

A return to the lifestyle of the 1500s with further simplification, reuse, recycling.

Eternal goods are those that replace themselves: living matter.

The natural world has existed for billions of years and has withstood all the bottlenecks and crises unlike our unstable civilized modernity.

Photosynthesis is the only energetically productive process on the planet, which has sygentropic indicators with further influence on all living things.

Plants continue to capture and store solar energy to feed almost all life on the planet (including ourselves).

Only human life in the cycles of the biosphere can last for a long time.

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